Thursday, June 19, 2008

Team life...

As part of the team's process; we usually spent part of the mornings 'indoor' and work through a few team-life processes.

Today as part of worship. Shital and Arnest took us through a process of drawing out concerns we are seeing in the community.

There was a drawing of a man in chains - showing people are in prison of life

A drawing of homes in a circle, showing the 'cycle of concerns' across the year; Micro-credit schemes that never bring profit leaving the families in debt all through; early marriages e.t.c and how people seem satisfied and totally accepted those concerns as part of their lives, with no possibility for redemption.

A drawing of a cigarette.

We are using the 7/7 time to intercede for those concerns; - but also Thank God for the great things He is doing. Great relationships between the community and the team; but also between neighbors and; - changes already being seen in the community.

We also looked at Spiritual gifts; and the team confirmed to each other what they are seeing as Gifts. We spent time praying for guidance on how to develop and apply in our daily lives.

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