Today was the first day, to have a process with the young people. There was around 25of us altogether. As the day unfolded, parents and children joined in and were part of a 'drama analysis process'.
Young people shared that they are concerned with early marriages, lack of toilet facilities, drugs and illiteracy; their visions are, to have some adult trainings and empowerment; a dowry free society, and a total ban on early marriages. Religious boundaries are not a concern for this generation.
As we explored concerns, visions and strengths, they were already exploring possible ways for their own involvement in the 'change process'
One of the girls said; "The issue of early marriages is affecting us, WE young people feel that its not right for a 11year old to be married; we are going to start going into homes during wedding arrangements and if the girl/bride is too young, we will advocate on her behalf".
There is an agreement to meet on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, those who are not in school, will also join for the morning connections with the Kids gatherings, home visits, community conversations and the debriefs.
Slowly....things unfold!
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