They are here....
Yesterday, Wednesday, 9 July as we went to the Community, most parts of our road was getting filled with water.
It was raining hard, our umbrellas were being folded by the heavy winds, most of us were wet by the time we arrived in the Community. Luckily, the road has been repaired, we didn't have to get out of our 'little van' on the main highway. We still had to walk when getting to the community as has been the trend.
Most of the rice fields are flooded, and you cant actually see the rice plantations anymore, there is water everywhere, the roads are mostly on higher ground, cars, vans can still pass. There are parts you could think is actually a river, but its just the water. The young people and children love this weather, that's the time for them to play football.
They only wear (Lungi's), a piece of cloth wrapped around their waist and they roll in the mud making all kinds of noises. This is part of their play. They don't have toys like cars, or aeroplanes, nor computer games, but they have mini floods to play with. There is fish and snakes too, but they are happy.....
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