If you have been reading this blog since the beginning in June, you would recall the post on a team of young people I met my first week in Bangladesh. They are not Salvationists but are solid Christians and run trainings on Praise and Worship across Bangladesh.
At this time they are planning on a country wide camp and they will lead many young people to The Lords throne through worship and training on how to be intimate with our Lord Jesus Christ.
I had a chance to connect with them again during my last days in Bangladesh;joined in their rehearsals and their Saturday Trainings in Dhaka.
It was great catching up again and sharing our many adventures. The Sacrifice team is also young but highly gifted and talented. A small group that is changing the face of worship for many young people in Bangladesh, within and outside the Army including non-christian communities.
It was a blessing to meet them and they supported my time in Bangladesh as great friends. As part of the fellowship towards the end of the rehearsal on that day, they raised their hands and prayed for my trip back to Kenya, for Africa and the Mission I have been called to. They asked the Lord to favor me.
The Lord confirmed again that He is present in our lives, He doesn't send us where His presence isn't. The Lord is God.
Great times.....